SWF | 7jun2017 | Wendy.swf | 2.87 MiB 1167 pop | ||
This was around that time when the "Smug Wendy's" meme came about (due to the US burger-chain "Wendy's" making some official tweets trash talking the competitors). Came across this animation and thought it would go perfect with this song. Used a normal On2VP6 FLV embed into the flash timeline for this one so there might be a small delay upon repeat. The source bar is a sight on its own in this one; I used the "Wendy's" logo and moved down ' to be the dot before "swf". Hoho! There's also a vector version of the Wendy's logo down there. Wendy's head nod (swallow animation) syncs with the first beat after the singing stops for the first time. TOOL: Adobe Flash Pro CS6 VISUALS: Visuals by "Rocheste Dorm". That's Ronald McDonald's face she's sitting on. AUDIO: Spagna - Easy Lady |
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