Made using the bitmap-to-vector function in Flash Pro CS6 (Modify > Bitmap > Trace Bitmap). First I converted the gif animation to png images using ImageMagick. Then I used Irfanview to: Reduce the number of colors to 2, make the images 400% larger, blur them, reduce colors to 2 again (it got rid of the "pixel shade" used in the gif). After tracing the images in Flash I re-colored them, moved some lines around and cut out a couple of holes. It might be more apparent in the gif that it's a short-haired girl btw, maybe should have added something around the eyes to make it more clear in the flash. At least I think it's supposed to be a girl? I mean just look at the legs. Hm. TOOL: Adobe Flash Pro CS6 VISUALS: Random gif image. AUDIO: Dunderpatrullen - To The Moon (ft FantomenK)